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Dental Tourism in INDIA

Boon for Indian Dentists

· Dental Implants

The average cost of a Dental implant in the United States can range between $1000 to $2900 per implant, depending on the brand of Implant, the materials used and design. What’s worse, most insurance companies do not cover them as they consider implants cosmetic and not life-supporting. High medical costs in the West are opening lucrative avenues for dental tourism in India.

In India, the average cost will range between $350 to $700. This huge cost difference is opening up huge opportunities for Indian Dentists. The Indian Dentists are now trying hard to gain more and more skills for better treatment planning, as the patients from West are ready to pay the price but demand a very high quality of work, as compared to traditional Indian dentistry.


When Would Someone Need an Implant?

Patients of ant age groups, who need tooth replacement due to accident, injury, decay or simply aesthetics can get dental implants. When it comes to tooth replacement, generally three options are available based on the prices and feasibility.

  1. Removable - Complete denture or Partial denture
    Conducted on a patient with a limited budget, age or certain medical conditions.
  2. Dental bridge ( Ceramic or PFM ) 
    Conducted on patients who have supporting teeth on either side of the bridge to hold the teeth.
  3. Dental implants (Fixed and Fused)
    long term and convenient way to replace your Teeth.
Best Dentist in India

At Thaper Dental Clinic, we offer 3D guided( Surgical Guide) surgery for Dental Implants, which tremendously increases the success rate for the Implant, while decreasing the trauma caused to the bone. We also offer CAD CAM Dentistry using CEREC , So now we can provide Ceramic Crowns, Bridges, & even Veneers in a Single-Visit.

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